Folie à Deux is not just a posh way to call a movie, no apparently Folie à Deux is a real psychotic disorder. Directly translated to Madness Of Two, Folie à Deux is a disorder, where one's person delusional beliefs are transmitted to another closely associated person.
The title makes sense.
With that being said you’re wondering which Graphic Novels and Comics are decent enough to read before you go watch the Folie à Deux psycho-thriller-musical?
Enter the mind of the Harlequin
Dr. Harleen Frances Quinzel - once a bright psychologist who had some hope for the people at Arkham Asylum - went from:
"I know this whole Gotham and Arkham and murderers and vigilantes situation is dark and grim, but I'm pretty sure I can help them... well, some of them, anyway," to
"He's crazy, he's my crazy baby and my love will save him".
"First I would save him. Then I would save this city of monsters" she declares.
It is as desperate as it sounds.
What does Stjepan Sejic offer in Harleen? It is a darkly twisted retelling of how Harleen Quinzel became the Harley Quinn most people know. And that's a good thing.
Because Sejic invites you into Harley's life, into her mind. She's not just someone's love interest who's a little crazy. She is someone who has a history and has slowly descended into madness or rather has been manipulated into madness.
What is it about? Dr. Harley Quinzel has a theory. According to her, people who are in a fight-or-flight state of stress for too long lose their empathy. Because at some point, you snap and you only fight. And if she's right, it would be a miracle, because it would be the key to helping two-thirds of Gotham and my mother.
But she has to prove her theory, scientifically. She starts by interviewing people in Gotham, and who happens to be in the house? Right, the Joker. The two meet and the rest is history.
As you read Harleen, you might just prove her point. I went from just kill them, just kill these horrible people, to well maybe don't kill them, maybe you're right, maybe you could help them, to uh oh to covering my eyes to damn can I please rip out the last 20 pages?
Harleen is a masterpiece from start to finish - even counting the cover, which is a freaking metaphor. If you leave it on, all you'll see is this crazy bloody Harley laugh that will drive you insane. But once you take it off, you see that there is a lot more under the cover, under Harley, than what the naked eye can see. There is someone who has been violently psychologically manipulated.

All I want to know after that is, Stjepan are you okay?
Harleen HC
2nd Printing - Does not contain transparent cover from the 1st Printing OCT190670 (W) Stjepan Sejic (A/CA) Stjepan Sejic It's been months since Dr. Harleen Quinzel began interviewing criminals at Arkham Asylum, and she's having strange dreams about one of them… read more
Enter the mind of the Joker
How does one become the Joker? I guess that's what therapist would love to find out. Because another one tries his luck. Another one that is persuaded that he'll knack him.
What is Joker: Killer Smile about? Written by none other than the master of psychological horror Mister Jeff Lemire, Killer Smile is about Ben, a therapist at Arkham, and Bruce and the Joker and Folie à Trois?
It's about the Joker's mind and how he sees the world. What if we're wrong and he's is right? What if we are the ones who are insane because we don't go insane in this crazy world? Look, it's hard to argue with someone's thoughts, especially when they're really manipulating you into thinking you're wrong. At this point, he could tell you that 1+1=3 and you'd be like, sure, that makes sense.
Now that's what we call a killer smile
After this, you won't be able to write another HA HA HA without a manic laugh in your head. And you'll fight the urge to get a tattoo of Mr. Smiles, who is simply the cutest clown you've ever seen.
Oh and I almost forgot to mention! This Graphic Novel has a twist because it's actually two books in one but now I've said too much...
Enter the minds of the Jokers
What is Batman: Three Jokers about? In Geoff John's Batman: Three Jokers, Batman, Batgirl (Barbara Gordon) and Red Hood (Jason Todd) are on a race to stop the Joker, who seems to be turning people mad for no reason. But not just mad - Joker Level mad. Until they realize that he isn't working alone, and one mystery after another piles up before even before one can be solved. And as if that weren't enough, interpersonal conflicts get in the way.
Because when Red Hood wants to solve the problem in a bloody and violent way, and Batgirl secretly wishes she could too but holds back, Batman feels like he has to stop not only the Jokers but Red Hood as well. And it's a lot. Because some feel betrayed and some misunderstood and some feel left alone. Their relationships are forever strained, and the Joker played a big part in that.
Jason Fabok's art is on point. You'll hear the rain, feel the depression, feel the desperation, see the desperation in every wrinkle of these characters' features. And the madness will make you mad. You'll get to know the madness of the Joker, and you'll get to know the people who suffer because of him. And most of all, how they suffer because of him.
All this madness for a mad goal, you'll shake your head and wonder if it's genius or just mad.
Batman Three Jokers HC
AUG202594 Thirty years after Batman: The Killing Joke changed comics forever, Batman: Three Jokers reexamines the myth of who, or what, is the Joker and what is at the heart of his ongoing battle with Batman? New York Times bestselling writer… read more
But there is more to the Three Jokers. There's a backstory. It's actually one of the few backstories that aims to humanize the Joker's mental illness rather than simply depicting him as a one-dimensional maniac. A story that explores the complexities and potential roots of his psychopathic behavior.
What is it about? Batman: The Killing Joke, a graphic novel by Alan Moore, that came out in the 80's, is a story that tells you more about the unnamed comedian, about his family, about one bad day, and a culmination of decisions, that were enough to drive him insane.
The Killing Joke gets you thinking about good and evil, madness, and what it means to be human. It makes you wonder how much Bruce's wealth helped him become Batman and how he and the Joker are alike yet completely different. Plus, it dives into how Batman might have pushed him towards madness.
Batman: The Killing Joke Deluxe (New Edition) HC
Critically acclaimed author Alan Moore redefined graphic novel story-telling with Watchmen and V for Vendetta. In Batman: The Killing Joke, he takes on the origin of comics' greatest super-villain, The Joker, and changes Batman's world forever.ONE BAD DAY.According to the… read more