Nick & Dent Books
100 products
Showing 1 - 36 of 100 products
Nick & Dent books have sometimes small, sometimes larger imperfections. They offer an opportunity for those who are comfortable with "less than perfect" to expand their collection - and save some money in the process.
- We can’t provide any additional info or photos. We tried to be as concise as possible in our descriptions. You have to trust us on this one (or not ;)
One copy per consumer for every title.
The fulfilment on Nick&Dent orders might take a little bit longer. We have a lot of pre-orders and regular orders running at the same time. Please have a little patience. If your order is still not shipped after 10 days (very unlikely!) feel free to contact us about it.
- Nick&Dent books are excluded from our 30-days-return guarantee.
To simplify things we have created a simple grading system. It goes like that:
C1 = SLIGHT DAMAGE: Barely noticeable dent, very slight damage to spine possible = 30% OFF
C2 = MODERATE DAMAGE: Visible, small dents, some damage to spine possible = 40% OFF
C3 = SUBSTANTIAL DAMAGE: Strong damage to spine and/or corners, some small tears possible = 50% OFF
The discount is either on the cover price or, in the rare case of OOP books, on the last price we sell/sold mint copies in our shop.

![Amazing Spider-Man Epic Collection Vol. 2: Great Responsibility TP [New Printing] - Walt's Comic Shop](

![Jeph Loeb & Tim Sale: Captain America Gallery Edition HC [DM Only] - Walt's Comic Shop](

![Star Wars: The High Republic Phase I Omnibus HC [DM Only] - Walt's Comic Shop](
![Captain Marvel By Kelly Thompson Omnibus Vol. 1 HC [DM Only] - Walt's Comic Shop](
![Captain Marvel By Kelly Thompson Omnibus Vol. 1 HC [DM Only] - Walt's Comic Shop](
![The Avengers Omnibus Vol. 1 HC [New Printing] - Walt's Comic Shop](