Absolute Superman of all things!
Looks like DC and Jason Aaron have managed to surprise me once again.
They're both generally quite good at that, so it's not really all that surprising that they've joined forces to surprise me.
Anyway, what I'm trying to say is that Jason Aaron and Rafa Sandoval's Absolute Superman #1 to me is the most impressive first issue of the three Absolutes.
Absolute Batman was okay. Solid. A typical Scott Snyder. Brutally entertaining, with great artwork by Nick Dragotta. But no revolution.
Absolute Wonder Woman was good too. Hayden Sherman at his best. Kelly Thompson, well, mythologized a bit too much for my taste. Yet, also an awesome new approach on our beloved DC heroes.
But what Jason Aaron and Rafa Sandoval are doing with Superman has made a lasting impression on me.
It was only today, in the aftermath, that I fully realized this. Yesterday, with great inner joy and excitement, I read, celebrated their origin opener for the Man of Steel, but it was only today that I realized how much the images, the story, the film have burned themselves into my brain.
I was reading some other sci-fi-related comic and noticed how the memory of Absolute Superman crept in and the deep need for a
continuation spread.
I no longer wanted to continue reading the comic in my hands, but to go back to Krypton and this Absolute Earth.
Because Aaron and Sandoval (assisted by colorist Ulises Arreola) have created a cinematic experience.
About a Superman who realizes that he has to be a hero, about a world that knows it needs a hero, about a planet that has destroyed itself and a planet that is destroying itself.
And it is also this stark realism, this obvious connection to our reality, that Aaron creates here that touches me so deeply, especially in these mad times.
But then there is also the story magician, who takes familiar characters, preserves their essence and transplants them into new epics.
Fortunately, he is accompanied by a very gifted comic artist.
Yes, this Superman is going to be big. And probably also the first Superman that I can really like (no offence, other Supermans).
Absolutely amazing.
Absolute Superman #1 Cover B Wes Craig Card Stock Variant *one copy per customer*
SUPERSTARS JASON AARON AND RAFA SANDOVAL UNLEASH A SHOCKING NEW TAKE ON THE LAST SON OF KRYPTON! Without the fortress...without the family...without a home...what's left is the Absolute Man of Steel!… read more