First Marvel Omnibus, DC Omnibus and DC vs Marvel Omnibus!

First Marvel Omnibus, DC Omnibus and DC vs Marvel Omnibus!

Gloriana Gloriana
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Do you remember the first Omnibus you ever bought? Maybe it was right here at Walt's Comic Shop. Or maybe you want to start collecting Marvel and DC Omnibus Editions, but don't know where to start. At the beginning? But what is the beginning? Can you still make it?

It's time for a time travel back to the beginning - back to where some of our most unhealthy spending habits began or intensified - back to 2005.

The first Marvel Omnibus - by today's definition

It all started back in June 2005 when Marvel released an 848-page, 19.05 x 24.77 cm "The Fantastic Four Omnibus Volume 1" written by none other than Stan Lee* and drawn by Jack Kirby (yes, you may have noticed it was about 4 cm shorter than the actual Marvel Omnibus). It is by definition a golden boy of the Silver Age. This series alone consists of five volumes and volume five should come out by the end of the year. And if you want to collect the one of the most iconic Marvel runs ever, we have Volumes 3 and 4 available.

*(By the way, if you're interested, we have a great biography and an even better graphic biography of Stan Lee).

fantastic four by lee and kirby

What is on the cover? The cover of the first Marvel Omnibus is also the cover of the first Fantastic Four comic, which came out in 1961, coincidentally the same year Lady Diana and my mother were born - what a blessed year. But there was another cover, a variant cover - a direct market cover, which we also call a DM cover (not direct message cover, you dummy).

The Direct Market Cover - aka the Independent Comic Shop Lifesaver

In order to support comic shops, DM Covers are exclusively distributed through local comic shops instead of large non-comic retailers who don't share our love for comics, only their greed for money 👿.

Thanks to this, great covers are only available in comic book stores, which serve as the primary market for comic book enthusiasts, known as the "direct market". These DM covers show their support and appreciation for comic book stores. And this one here, was the first DM cover for a Marvel Omni:

fantastic four by lee dm cover

Fun fact: The Thing is the only member of the Fantastic Four to have his own omni.

Why Fantastic Four?

The Fantastic Four - Marvel's first team up, the founding family that established a lot of heroes like the Black Panther and foes like Dr. Doom. And even though the comic came out during a time, where the Comics Code Authority ruled with an iron fist, imposing strict censorship rules on comic content and thus made it difficult for heroes to fight more serious and even violent battles against serious villains, the Fantastic Four made it. And that's pretty impressive, seeing that fighting bad guys is an important part of the whole superhero deal, you know?

I mean, pick any Marvel comic that has come out in the last few years. I am pretty sure none of them would have passed the Comics Code Authority's strict rules.

So why the Fantastic Four? Because they kind of started it all. And maybe now I understand why getting these movies right is such a big deal. 

The first DC Omnibus - by today's definition

While Marvel published over 50 Omnis between 2005 and 2011, DC published zero. Well, they did publish Omni Editions, but today they would simply be called the standard hardcover size version to a trade like the OLD version of "The Death and Return of Superman Omnibus".

But in 2011, their first Omnibus (by today's definition, 19.63cm x 28.35cm) saw the light of day. And it was none other than "The Flash Omnibus by Geoff Johns Volume 1". Arriving late at superspeed with The Flash - as in we can catch up thanks to our speedster?

the flash by geoff johns

Why Geoff Johns? 

The Flash, Aquaman, Black Adam, Green Lantern and many more had the chance to have their stories written by Geoff Johns. Some say he was trivial to 2000's DC as he revived and brought a breath of fresh air to these characters. He even took the time to take care of the villains and make them real characters with real backstories. 

The first DC and Marvel/ DC versus Marvel Omnibus

Who had a billionaire crime-fighting vigilante first? Who has the best speedster? Who has the best artist? The best movies? The best series? Do you prefer Marvel or DC? And what's the difference between the two? Should you get a Marvel or a DC omnibus?

While it may seem like there's an eternal feud between Marvel and DC, the truth is it's not as bad as people think. The animosity between fans of each could be worse, and even that is not- well, I actually don't know what the current situation is between them.

Either way Marvel and DC decided who would win in a DC versus Marvel battle on the only battleground such fight could take place - comics. And who would choose the outcome of the fights? The fans.

In 1996, the two published four issues titles DC versus Marvel Comics/ Marvel Comics versus DC, where their heroes battled each other. The winner were chosen by avid readers in advance. 

dc versus marvel omnibus

By the way, this wasn't the first neither the last time the two universes would clash. 

And after that?

After that, the Marvel and DC universes became one - and so did their heroes - the ultimate amalgamation. In this new Amalgam Universe, classic Marvel and DC characters were combined to create unique hybrid heroes and villains. For example, DC's Batman and Marvel's Wolverine were combined to form Dark Claw and Storm, and Wonder Woman became Amazon. 

DC Versus Marvel: The Amalgam Age Omnibus HC *OOP*

DC Versus Marvel: The Amalgam Age Omnibus HC *OOP*


DC/Marvel: The Amalgam Age Omnibus features stories, first told in 1996, of the two superhero universes fused together into a new Amalgam Universe, combining DC’s and Marvel’s heroes, villains, and mythologies. The result was a series of unforgettable one-shot comic… read more


And after, after that?

Well, both universes have merged into one, but is that what we really wanted? One instead of two superhero publishers? It was not meant to be - the merger had to be reversed. But now I've said too much. Find out for yourself!

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