Saving 80,000 Gold In Another World For My Retirement 2 (Light Novel)

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Kodansha ComicsSKU: 9781647292119

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Product Info
Having saved the kingdom from invasion, Mitsuha suddenly finds herself elevated to the rank of viscountess. Exploiting her world-jumping ability to the fullest, she’s now busy improving things in her new domain (with a little help from Earth’s advanced knowledge and technical skills). But with ballroom season on the way, it’s her obligation as a noble to return to the capital. Sure, the timing couldn’t be worse, but it might also present a perfect chance to showcase her new flagship product—popcorn?!That’s not the only iron Mitsuha has in the fire, though: when she decides to hold a tournament to drum up sales for a new line of board games, things go a little too well! Between that and the arrival of unexpected visitors from a distant land, the newly-minted Viscountess Mitsuha von Yamano really has her hands full!
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