Welcome to our 12 days of Comics Giveaway!

Welcome to our 12 days of Comics Giveaway!

Gloriana Gloriana
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🎶 On the first day of Christmas Walt's Comic Shop gave to me a Batman Hush Omni completely for free 🎶

The end of the year at Walt's Comic Shop means that it has been a year where you, our dearest customers, have stood by our side and have been faithful to us. A huge thank you from us!

Even though Black Friday has been crazy, we still want to go even crazier and leave 2023 with a bang! Now, read very carefully.

Remember that Walt (Cristian) was at NYCC 2023 and said he had tons of stuff for you guys? Well, where is this stuff, Walt? What are you saying? Is it already packed and ready to be delivered by Santa? Wh-

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Oh, wow, okay... and why is Santa that strong? Because he's holding more than 12 packages, and some of them have Omnis!!! Okay, wait a minute!!!


Starting on December 11th, we will be giving away packages containing signed single issues, first issues and signed posters from the New York Comic Con ALL FOR FREE. Additionally, we will also be adding graphic novels or omnibuses or comics to the package to make it big and tasty. You can expect items from James Tynion IV, Zoe Thorogood, Rick Leonardi and more.

For example; this is what you might win in the James Tynion IV package:



How can I participate?

We'll be posting a picture on Instagram where you will need to comment.

Your comment should include: Whatever you want to tell us + (important!) YOUR LAST ORDER NUMBER (or just any of your order numbers). 

What order number?!

As we've already mentioned, we want to give something back. However, to prevent those seeking to take advantage from quickly grabbing the coolest items, we've decided that participation is limited to Walt's Comic Shop customers only. What, when, and how often you placed orders will not affect the drawing. You can remain anonymous on Instagram using your order number, and we can easily access your shipping information.

How will I know what's in the package?

Every day, Walt will be posting a short video, showcasing everything that will be in the package and telling you why this particular item, artist, or author is worth your attention.

How many times can I enter?

You can leave a comment with your order number for each day's raffle. In case you've won, you won't be able to participate in follow-up raffles. Greediness is human, but don't be too sad; the prize on day 1 won't be less nice than the prize on day 7, and the prize on day 12 won't be cooler than the prize on day 3, because every package is awesome! (Actually there is one which is most awesome, but we won't spoil it now haha!)

How will you choose and announce the winners?

We'll be entering all your order numbers in a raffle generator and we'll announce the winners everyday on Instagram. 

How many prices will there be?

From day 1 to 11, there will be one package and one winner per day. On day 12 there will be two packages for two winners, and on day 13...


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