Do we have free comics? Actually, yes we do!

Do we have free comics? Actually, yes we do!

Gloriana Gloriana
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You cannot type comics into Google without "free comics" being one of the first options that pops up. And I get it, times are tough, the world's money is split between fifteen accounts owned by three people, and not everyone has 2,000€  to spend on comics every month. And if you can, and if you do - I want your life.

Ok yappa yappa yappa you want to know if we have free comics? Yes, we do, and we'll tell you how to get your hands on them.


Freebies are some of our "best selling" comics every year. What are freebies? Well, some are proper first issues of a new series, others are promotional FCBD (Free Comic Book Day) comics, and sometimes we also add some comic books we have to many of. Mostly they are like sneak peeks into a series that you might (will) enjoy. Now here is the catch - they are free per se, but you can only get them with an order. Two per order and four if you pay over 75€. So if you do end up ordering something, don't forget to check out the freebies!

free comics freebies


This is where you can get real comics and mangas and even omnibuses for free: our crazy giveaways. We had one last December that lasted a whopping 13 days and we do some from time to time, mostly in our newsletters (you know, to reward our loyal people). In the future, we'll try to make these more regular without ruining our little business 😉. 

This is one of the only options where you can get comics completely free of cost. So don't forget to sign up HERE!

So yes, we're not a comic store that sells comics for free (if you know of one, please let me know), but we do have some options that can help you get some comics for free. 

PS: I totally understand if that's not good enough for you and you're still reading comics ILLEGALLY and getting viruses on your phone, you do you, you know.

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