Saga is probably the only comic where your lips can lose a "Cute!" during a massacre.
Plus, it's certainly the only comic in which I lose an "I love it!" at least once before I turn the last page of an issue. Sincerely. Every time. Heartfelt.
This time more than once. First time on the first page. "When I was eleven, our front door had a zipper."
I mean, how good is this for an opener?
But actually, I didn't even need to open the issue to feel this infatuation. Because already the cover shows once again Fiona Staples at her best.
And no, Saga doesn't waste its visual highlights on the cover. And neither the narrative ones on the first page.
Fiona Staples and Brian K. Vaughan go on like this. Over the whole 28 pages. Every time.
You'd think that after 65 issues, nothing could surprise you anymore. And it can't get any better (especially visually). But somehow these two get it done.
So, I lose my last "I love it!" for now at the end of this post. Because I do.