Scott Pilgrim is coming to Netflix and YOU should read the comics!

Scott Pilgrim is coming to Netflix and YOU should read the comics!

Gloriana Gloriana
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Back when I was a little kid in 2010, "Scott Pilgrim vs. the World" hit the big screens. I wasn't aware of it at the time, but fortunately, my interest in comic culture kept me updated, and I eventually watched the movie and read all six comics by Brian Lee O'Malley.

Am I thrilled that a new Scott Pilgrim adaptation is coming to Netflix? YES, I AM!

The anime looks quite promising, and I wonder whether it will stay faithful to the comic, feeling as if I can hold the comic in my hand, almost like holding the script, or if it will be more of a free interpretation.

Regardless, I'll be watching it, and so will probably millions of people around the world. Sometimes, I do ponder whether it would be wonderful if all these millions of people who watch these kinds of adaptations would also read the comics.

If you haven't read the comics yet, let us introduce you to the captivating world of stories and art created by Brian Lee O'Malley.


Brian Lee O'Malley created Scott Pilgrim and thus has made this world a more bearable one. That is all you need to know.


Scott Pilgrim, first published in black and white, was re-released in color for those of you who need some color in your life. It's an underground comic, not one of those comics backed by millions, billions, or trillions of publishing houses, yet it sold millions of copies and showed the world that comics are not only for kids and that comics are not just about superheroes; there is more to them than just Donald Duck.

Scott Pilgrim was published in six volumes. Fun fact: Volume 2 is actually titled "Scott Pilgrim vs. the World." The 2010 movie is based on all six of these comics.


Scott's and Ramona's relationship – seriously, that is one of the biggest things you'll miss out on if you don't read the comics (along with the joy and fun that come with them). I mean, that's what everything revolves around: Scott having to fight Ramona's exes to be with her. Sometimes, during the movie, I was thinking, 'Stupid boy, why do you even want to be with her? What do you like about her personality? Did you just see her and wanted to be with her?'

scott pilgrim

In the comics, Scott and Ramona are not perfect, and why should they be? Perfect equals boring in the comic world. They're not always likable, but they grow with time and grow with each other. What I particularly enjoyed was seeing Ramona's shell break down as she spent time with Scott. Scott is a lot more outgoing and charming than he appears in the movie.

Scott and Ramona

I feel like in the movie, you don't get to see the side of Ramona that shows that she loves Scott. My (very subjective) impression from the movie was that Scott was infuriated with Ramona (or rather, the idealization he made of her) and absolutely wanted to be with her, thus completing the missions. Ramona, though... she liked Scott, but would she have been very, very sad without him? I personally feel like Ramona could have led a happy life without him. I'm not really sure, to be honest; you tell me. I might be very wrong on that.

I guess it's very difficult to condense six volumes into a 2-hour movie.

I also guess that a movie doesn't need to be a copy-paste of its source material.

It reminds me of Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events. You can get a movie adaptation that has to leave out a lot because people don't watch 10-hour movies in the cinema and still be majestic. Or you can get a three-season Netflix series with two 50-minute episodes per book and thus bring in all the details, and also be majestic. Everything is possible.

Scott Pilgrim

Also, in the comics, you see this face and think, 'Oi, I can see why they call him the best fighter!'.


If you've read Scott Pilgrim and you just love Brian Lee O'Malley's style, you might consider reading 'Seconds.'

In 'Seconds,' Katie is leading a pretty good life until she isn't anymore. Her ex comes back to town, co-workers get hurt, and her restaurant closes down. That is until she gets magic mushrooms that will give her a second chance at everything that crumbled in her life. She just needs to take one, go to sleep, and when she wakes up, everything will be according to her wish... Or will it be?

seconds by brian lee o'malley

It's hilarious, serious, and deep, like every graphic novel should be. I promise you will love it.

Ultimate Scott Pilgrim List For You

Scott Pilgrim HC

Scott Pilgrim 6 Volumes Box

Scott Pilgrim HC Bundle

Scott Pilgrim GN (black and white)

Everything Brian Lee O'Malley + more

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