The Umbrella Academy Season 4 is on its way and you're still wondering - Should I read the comics?

The Umbrella Academy Season 4 is on its way and you're still wondering - Should I read the comics?

Gloriana Gloriana
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The Umbrella Academy Season 4 is making its way to Netflix, and you're still wondering, 'Should I dive into the comics?' In short, the answer is a resounding yes. But let's dive into the longer version.


Like millions of others, you might have stumbled upon the wonderfully strange world of the Umbrella Academy on Netflix. I, too, was introduced to it in 2019 when a 14-year-old told me, 'Hey, you like Marvel, right? You should watch Umbrella Academy.'

So, I did, and I fell in love with it. A quick Google search revealed that the series was actually based on comics! I bought them, devoured them, and loved that I could read the entire series before season two aired. One fantastic aspect of these comics is that they're a quick read, with only three Trade Paperbacks available so far.


The good news is that the Netflix series is returning for a fourth season, and the comics are also getting a fourth volume! Hooray! The only mystery now is when, where, how, and why it's not out yet...


Gerard Way and Gabriel Bá have created 'The Umbrella Academy' and thus have made this world a more bearable one. That is all you need to know.

If you would actually like to know more, there are brief presentations of them at the end of the comics.


Did you enjoy the peculiar world of Umbrella Academy Season 1? If so, you'll definitely appreciate the unique world presented in the comics. Although they offer different flavors of weirdness, they both embrace the delightful kind of peculiar.

The comics are more colorful in some ways. While the show often feels as though a somber filter has been applied to every shot, the comics embrace vibrant, bold colors. Remember white Viktor from season 1? In the comics, Vanya's whiter than white. And as for Hazel and Cha-Cha, those colorful masks were their trademark. Not exactly practical to fly under the radar for a deadly mission...

umbrella academy

You'll also notice some resemblance in the storyline, though not in the same way you might expect, and yet, everything will still add up. It's actually interesting to see how certain elements from each volume have been blended to create the show.

And what you might enjoy and find most intriguing are the characters.

You always thought Grace was unsettling? Then, read the comics during daylight.

Did you always consider Klaus cool as the free spirit he is? Well, this Klaus will definitely surprise you. DEFINITELY!

Luther and Allison always made you cringe? Well, that might happen again. And some of the other members of the Umbrella Academy might make you cringe too.

Viktor is somehow always part of the bigger problem? Well, Vanya gets some rest, but not in a good way.

Do you like Number Five and the way he secretly loves and cares for his siblings? Or would you actually prefer him to be a cold-blooded murder weapon?

Were you mad at Allison in season 3? What if I told you that this Allison is the closest to the source material?

You enjoyed the intense gore and blood in the show? Then the comics won't disappoint you.

Oh, I almost forgot. The comics only feature white people as the seven. So, in that regard, kudos to the Netflix show for including people of color.

umbrella academy netflix

You're still interested in this Dark Horse masterpiece? Awesome! Then click HERE!

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Umbrella Academy TP Vol 01 Apocalypse Suite

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In an inexplicable worldwide event, forty-seven extraordinary children were spontaneously born by women who'd previously shown no signs of pregnancy. Millionaire inventor Reginald Hargreeves adopted seven of the children; when asked why, his only explanation was, "To save the world."… read more


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