Touring the DC All-In Initiative | Episode 1
We’ve finally been inducted into the DC Retailer Pantheon! That means we now get early access to previews of comics coming out months in advance. And the timing couldn’t be better with DC’s All-In and Absolute Universe offering loads of fresh starts and jumping-on points. Naturally,... more »
Huge News for Single Issues Lovers!
Do you love single issues as much as we do? Dear Single Issues Enthusiasts, It took us a while, but: We like to think that our overhauled approach to singles paired with the easy-to-use Manage Comics pre-order app will bring Walt's closer to become the premier destination for single issue... more »
Invincible — reading order and formats explained!
Maybe you watched the awesome Invincible show on Amazon Prime and now you want to read the comics, but you don't know how to read the Invincible comics in order? For fans, there are numerous ways to collect and enjoy the comic book series. Although the original single issues of Invincible are long... more »
Brick & Mortar pausing Operation
As of February 24th, we will be shutting down our brick & mortar store located on Heinrich-Roller-Strasse. I don't want to beat around the bush: this decision was really hard. I'm highly susceptible to nostalgia (classic comics guy!). I know well, that I'll soon look back on these two years,... more »
Marvel Big Book Deal of the Month If you can consider something we've done twice already a tradition, then I'd say: Why not join our centuries-old customs of voting for the next Marvel Big Book of the Month? Usually, this is reserved for our Discord users, but why not let everyone cast their vote! All of... more »
Wondrous Comics - Submit Your Comics!
Introducing: Wondrous Comics Wondrous - Definition, Meaning & Synonyms Vocabulary.com › dictionary › wondrous adjective. extraordinarily good or great ; used especially as intensifiers. synonyms: fantastic, grand, howling, incredible, marvellous (ehem!), … In short terms: We want to... more »