News & Reviews Blog

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Brick & Mortar pausing Operation

Brick & Mortar pausing Operation

Walt Walt 02/18/2024 5:45pm 3 minute read Announcements

As of February 24th, we will be shutting down our brick & mortar store located on Heinrich-Roller-Strasse. I don't want to beat around the bush: this decision was really hard. I'm highly susceptible to nostalgia (classic comics guy!). I know well, that I'll soon look back on these two years,... more »

Avengers Twilight #1 by Chip Zdarsky - Review

Avengers Twilight #1 by Chip Zdarsky - Review

Heiko Heiko 02/12/2024 12:00pm 2 minute read Comics

Even though I don’t count myself among the Avengers readers, I couldn’t let Avengers: Twilight #1 pass me by. Firstly because Chip Zdarsky writes. And secondly, Daniel Acuna takes care of the artwork.(Third, as a cherry on top: that wonderful pop-culture pun by Skottie Young on the... more »

Gold Kingdom and Water Kingdom GN - Manga Review

Gold Kingdom and Water Kingdom GN - Manga Review

Kerstin ( Kerstin ( 02/07/2024 12:00pm 4 minute read Manga

Fans of shorter stories can rejoice, as the Josei single volume "Gold Kingdom and Water Kingdom" was recently published on the US market. The series, created by mangaka Nao Iwamoto, was published in Japan from October 2014 to April 2016 in the magazine "Flowers" by Shogakukan. The chapters were combined... more »

Do we have free comics? Actually, yes we do!

Do we have free comics? Actually, yes we do!

Gloriana Gloriana 02/05/2024 5:01pm 2 minute read Announcements

You cannot type comics into Google without "free comics" being one of the first options that pops up. And I get it, times are tough, the world's money is split between fifteen accounts owned by three people, and not everyone has 2,000€  to spend on comics every month. And if you can, and... more »

Animal Pound by Tom King #1 - Review

Animal Pound by Tom King #1 - Review

Heiko Heiko 02/05/2024 12:00pm 3 minute read Comics

Reading Tom King comics is like reading an opulently illustrated novel.So it doesn't seem at all unusual that he is now adapting George Orwell's Animal Farm. And here, how could it be otherwise, he excels again. Because Animal Pound #1, the first of 4 issues, is not just a copy or a transcript in a modern... more »

Monthly in the Garden with My Landlord Vol. 1 - Manga Review

Monthly in the Garden with My Landlord Vol. 1 - Manga Review

Kerstin ( Kerstin ( 01/31/2024 12:00pm 4 minute read Manga

With "Monthly in the Garden with My Landlord", I would like to introduce you to a girls' love manga that might be worth a look, especially for fans of slow-burn romances. The series was penned by mangaka Yodokawa and has been published in Japan under the name "Maitsuki Niwa-tsuki Ooya-tsuki" since June... more »

Masterpiece by Brian Michael Bendis - Review

Masterpiece by Brian Michael Bendis - Review

Heiko Heiko 01/29/2024 12:00pm 2 minute read Comics

They had me at Brian Michael Bendis and Alex Maleev. I didn't even know what their new project was about before I read it just now.And it looks as if this writer-artist dream team will once again deliver another great piece of comic. Masterpiece #1 was certainly a great start.Thanks to Maleev's as... more »

My Ultramarine Sky Vol. 1 - Manga Review

My Ultramarine Sky Vol. 1 - Manga Review

Kerstin ( Kerstin ( 01/24/2024 1:00pm 4 minute read Manga

Nagisa Furuya can now look back on several releases in the boy-love genre. After making her debut in 2013 with Number Call, which will also be published in English in March 2024, she followed this up a year later with "My Ultramarine Sky". How was "My Ultramarine Sky"? Kai and Ren have been in the same... more »

Batman - Santa Claus: Silent Knight #1 by Jeff Parker - Review (Christmas Special)

Batman - Santa Claus: Silent Knight #1 by Jeff Parker - Review (Christmas Special)

Heiko Heiko 01/21/2024 12:00pm 2 minute read Comics

When it comes to Christmas specials, it's always better not to expect anything. This applies to the special Christmas episode of your favorite sitcom just as much as it does to your beloved Ongoings. Though if you do expect something, better expect a bunch of kitsch, magic and corny love stories.As I... more »

How I Met My Soulmate Vol. 1 - Manga Review

How I Met My Soulmate Vol. 1 - Manga Review

Kerstin ( Kerstin ( 01/17/2024 2:00pm 4 minute read Manga

Mangaka Anashin is probably best known on the international market for her shojo manga "Waiting for Spring". The mangaka's new series "How I Met My Soulmate" has been published in Japan since April 2021 under the original title Unmei no Hito ni Deau Hanashi in chapters in Kodansha's Dessert magazine. As of... more »