News & Reviews Blog

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Helen of Wyndhorn #1 by Tom King - Review

Helen of Wyndhorn #1 by Tom King - Review

Heiko Heiko 04/08/2024 12:00pm 2 minute read Comics

So here it is, the opening sequence for one of the series highlights of this comic year.That much is clear. It was clear even before we saw the first images.It was enough for Tom King and Bilquis Evely to announce that they were writing a new series together. Because after Supergirl: Woman of... more »

Feral #1 by Tony Fleecs - Review

Feral #1 by Tony Fleecs - Review

Heiko Heiko 04/02/2024 7:49pm 2 minute read Comics

Tony Fleecs, Trish Forstner, Tone Rodriguez and Brad Simpson are back with Feral!And - spoiler! - they are as good as ever!Her first masterpiece Stray Dogs was a late but all the more thrilling discovery for me.If you have the nosiness and stamina, you are welcome to scroll through my Insta and... more »

Netflix Bodies | Si Spencer's Bodies Comic

Netflix Bodies | Si Spencer's Bodies Comic

Gloriana Gloriana 03/27/2024 12:00pm 4 minute read Graphic Novels

It's painful to read people on this beloved social forum called reddit calling Netflix's Bodies a softer rip-off of another Netflix series called Dark, because it's NOT! Bodies is inspired by a graphic novel by the late Si Spencer called Drumroll: Bodies, which ran from June 2014 to... more »

Night People #1 by Chris Condon

Night People #1 by Chris Condon

Heiko Heiko 03/25/2024 12:09pm 2 minute read Comics

Chris Condon has set himself some ambitious goals with Night People. Over four issues with a changing creative team, he adapts Barry Gifford’s (influential American author, best known for Wild at Heart and the Sailor and Lula series) short story collection into comic form.First of all, the approach... more »

Hack/Slash: Back to School #3 - Review

Hack/Slash: Back to School #3 - Review

Heiko Heiko 03/18/2024 12:00pm 2 minute read Comics

Zoe Thorogood’s Hack/Slash: Back to School is probably one of the craziest comic series I’ve read in recent times. And definitely the best approach I’ve come across so far to merge two comic worlds together: horror manga and western comics.With issue #3 in particular, Thorogood shows... more »

King In Limbo Omnibus 1 - Manga Review

King In Limbo Omnibus 1 - Manga Review

Kerstin ( Kerstin ( 03/06/2024 12:00pm 5 minute read Manga

Following her debut on the English market with "Apple Children of Aeon" in 2022, "King in Limbo" is the second work by Ai Tanaka to be published by Kodansha. Unlike the first release, this work will also be published as a print edition. How was King In Limbo? Adam Garfield serves as a non-commissioned... more »

The Deviant #4 by James Tynion IV - Review

The Deviant #4 by James Tynion IV - Review

Heiko Heiko 03/04/2024 12:00pm 2 minute read Comics

What an intense, what a brilliant read James Tynion IV and Joshua Hixson’s The Deviant is. If this comic series doesn’t win any award at the next Eisner, then I don’t know what will.As I’ve mentioned (at least once) before, I’m really a sensitive, not to say wimpy reader... more »

U & I #1 by J. Michael Straczynski - Review

U & I #1 by J. Michael Straczynski - Review

Heiko Heiko 02/26/2024 12:00pm 3 minute read Comics

The Resistance Universe is still new territory for me, but I thought, after a couple of lastingly impressive (re-)encounters with Straczynski recently, I’d just take the opportunity and try my beginnings with U & I #1.For all those who have just as little or even less idea what the Resistance... more »

She's My Knight Vol. 1 - Review

She's My Knight Vol. 1 - Review

Kerstin ( Kerstin ( 02/21/2024 12:00pm 4 minute read Manga

"She's My Knight" is a series by mangaka Saisou, who is probably best known internationally for "My Tiny Senpai", which received an anime adaptation and will be published in Germany by Dokico.  Ikemen Kanojo to Heroine na Ore!", as "She's My Knight" is called in the original Japanese, was published... more »

John Constantine: Hellblazer - Dead in America #1 - Review

John Constantine: Hellblazer - Dead in America #1 - Review

Heiko Heiko 02/19/2024 9:44pm 2 minute read Comics

Another comic that reminded me that I wanted to catch up a bit. Like John Constantine: Hellblazer, for example.With Dead in America issue #1, Simon Spurrier and Aaron Campbell continue their John Constantine: Hellblazer series and, as the title suggests, Constantine, along with his friend Nat and son Noah... more »