

Hi there, I'm Gloriana and part of Walt's Comic Shop Team since 2023. I'm mostly responsible for online stuff like ads and our content, but most of my time in life and at work is spent reading graphic novels, sometimes mangas, and also big books but only at night in bed where they won't crush me with their bare weight.

By the way, here's a collection of some of my all-time favorite books we have in store.

Netflix Bodies | Si Spencer's Bodies Comic

Netflix Bodies | Si Spencer's Bodies Comic

Gloriana Gloriana 03/27/2024 12:00pm 4 minute read Graphic Novels

It's painful to read people on this beloved social forum called reddit calling Netflix's Bodies a softer rip-off of another Netflix series called Dark, because it's NOT! Bodies is inspired by a graphic novel by the late Si Spencer called Drumroll: Bodies, which ran from June 2014 to... more »

Do we have free comics? Actually, yes we do!

Do we have free comics? Actually, yes we do!

Gloriana Gloriana 02/05/2024 5:01pm 2 minute read Announcements

You cannot type comics into Google without "free comics" being one of the first options that pops up. And I get it, times are tough, the world's money is split between fifteen accounts owned by three people, and not everyone has 2,000€  to spend on comics every month. And if you can, and... more »

Welcome to our 12 days of Comics Giveaway!

Welcome to our 12 days of Comics Giveaway!

Gloriana Gloriana 12/08/2023 2:30pm 3 minute read Announcements

🎶 On the first day of Christmas Walt's Comic Shop gave to me a Batman Hush Omni completely for free 🎶 The end of the year at Walt's Comic Shop means that it has been a year where you, our dearest customers, have stood by our side and have been faithful to us. A huge thank you from us! Even though... more »

Sydney Freeland says Echo won't have the same powers as in the comics, so how....

Sydney Freeland says Echo won't have the same powers as in the comics, so how....

Gloriana Gloriana 11/29/2023 2:00pm 4 minute read Graphic Novels

Sydney Freeland, the director of the Echo series, asserts that she won't possess the same powers as depicted in the comics. So, how will she communicate with Daredevil?Firstly, I'd like to say a few words about Echo's power situation in the MCU; I find it somewhat harsh to label Echo's... more »

Top 5 Comics to read before you watch The Marvels!

Top 5 Comics to read before you watch The Marvels!

Gloriana Gloriana 11/06/2023 3:00pm 4 minute read Graphic Novels

It is that time of the year again when a Marvel movie hits the big screens... And it's been a long time since May. Just long enough that waiting another week for Captain Marvel, Ms. Marvel, and Photon to hit the big screens in The Marvels feels impossible.For those of you in the comic community... more »

The Umbrella Academy Season 4 is on its way and you're still wondering - Should I read the comics?

The Umbrella Academy Season 4 is on its way and you're still wondering - Should I read the comics?

Gloriana Gloriana 10/23/2023 11:41pm 3 minute read Graphic Novels

The Umbrella Academy Season 4 is making its way to Netflix, and you're still wondering, 'Should I dive into the comics?' In short, the answer is a resounding yes. But let's dive into the longer version.YOU MIGHT BE HERE THANKS TO THE SERIESLike millions of others, you might have... more »



Gloriana Gloriana 10/09/2023 9:19pm 1 minute read Announcements

If you're keen on collecting Omnibuses, Walt has a special offer. The only requirement is to cast your vote for two Omnibuses here: 

Scott Pilgrim is coming to Netflix and YOU should read the comics!

Scott Pilgrim is coming to Netflix and YOU should read the comics!

Gloriana Gloriana 10/07/2023 1:25pm 5 minute read Graphic Novels

Back when I was a little kid in 2010, "Scott Pilgrim vs. the World" hit the big screens. I wasn't aware of it at the time, but fortunately, my interest in comic culture kept me updated, and I eventually watched the movie and read all six comics by Brian Lee O'Malley.Am I thrilled that... more »

Review - Joker: One Operation Joker Vol. 1

Review - Joker: One Operation Joker Vol. 1

Gloriana Gloriana 09/21/2023 1:35pm 2 minute read Manga

Have you ever read a manga where you thought, "Wow, I wish The Joker was my actual father"? No? Well, if you read "Joker: One Operation Joker," you might just find yourself thinking that. So, what's the story all about? In this unexpected turn of events, Batman inadvertently transforms into a baby after... more »

Review - Batman Justice Buster

Review - Batman Justice Buster

Gloriana Gloriana 09/15/2023 1:20pm 3 minute read Manga

Do you know how hard it is to work at a comic shop and not leave the place with your bag full of comics? I set myself a challenge: go to work and leave without a new comic, manga, graphic novel, or even an omnibus (because even that has happened once). I failed miserably. I took Batman - Justice... more »