News & Reviews Blog
Welcome to our vibrant blog where the worlds of manga, comics, and graphic novels happily coexist!
Review - Joker: One Operation Joker Vol. 1
Have you ever read a manga where you thought, "Wow, I wish The Joker was my actual father"? No? Well, if you read "Joker: One Operation Joker," you might just find yourself thinking that. So, what's the story all about? In this unexpected turn of events, Batman inadvertently transforms into a baby after... more »
Knight Terrors: Detective Comics #2 by Dan Watters - Review
My admiration for Dan Watters continues to grow. I like his very prosaic style, his penchant for mysticism and dark fantasy. He likes to use cryptic metaphor and symbolism, but it is by no means off-putting. Generally, there are two reflex variations when I read stories that don't open up to me, that... more »
Review - Batman Justice Buster
Do you know how hard it is to work at a comic shop and not leave the place with your bag full of comics? I set myself a challenge: go to work and leave without a new comic, manga, graphic novel, or even an omnibus (because even that has happened once). I failed miserably. I took Batman - Justice... more »
Review - Spider-Man #11 by Dan Slott
In fact, in the last two Spider-Man issues, despite all the fun I continued to have, skepticism spread a bit. I was (and still am a bit) unsure if Spider-Boy is a good invention. First and foremost, I feel the same way Spider-Man does, the idea of him getting a sidekick may not be palatable to me. He... more »
The Boys are here - and on sale!
If you want a rollercoaster ride through a world where superheroes aren't exactly the squeaky-clean do-gooders you see on TV, "The Boys" Omnibuses by Garth Ennis (who is ALWAYS worth reading) are your golden ticket! Picture this: caped crusaders behaving worse than your aunt's Chihuahua after too much... more »
Manga Review - The Great Snake's Bride Vol. 1
In The Great Snake's Bride Miyo, a unhappy young woman from a mountain village, is chosen as a sacrificial offering to become the bride of the majestic snake god Daija. Initially, she is filled with fear that the giant, talking snake will devour her entirely. However, when she is taken into the care... more »
Groot #4 by Dan Abnett - Review
A warm end to a lovely little series. In which the supporting characters were actually the main characters. And the protagonist steered. And looked cute.Which, again, is a good counterpart to Groot's usual performances. Because let's be honest, Groot is always the (more or less) secret star of every... more »
Manga Review - Words Bubble Up Like Soda Pop Vol. 1
Sometimes, anime movies get turned into other things, like books. "Words Bubble Up Like Soda Pop," an anime movie on Netflix, was also made into a manga. This manga was drawn by Imo Oono. It started in November 2019 and finished in March 2021. The manga tells the story of two characters, Cherry and Smile.... more »
Ghost Rider/Wolverine - Weapons of Vengeance by Benjamin Percy
From the series "Crossovers I Always Knew I Needed". Of course, I was totally hyped when Marvel announced the Weapons of Vengeance, two of my favorite heroes doin' their thangs side by side.When Benjamin Percy was announced as a puppeteer, it was clear, this is gonna be awesome (yes, fanboy).Again, with... more »
How to use "Manage Comics" to pre-order Single Issues
Walt's Comic Shop is now using Manage Comics for single-issue subscriptions and pre-orders! Check out our easy-to-follow tutorial to learn how to use it. Or watch our tutorial on YouTube! WHAT IS MANAGE COMICS?Manage Comics is a service that allows you to manage your comic subscriptions online. They... more »