Review - Predator vs. Wolverine #1 by Benjamin Percy
There are crossovers where at their announcement alone the inner child high-fives the adult comic reader and whoops: Awesome!And sometimes two adult comic readers with inner children stand at the short box in the store when this issue arrives, flip through it and whoop: Awesome!And then one of those... more »
Poison Ivy #14 by G. Willow Wilson - Review
No idea how G. Willow Wilson does it, but she does.For 14 issues (and 2 Knight Terrors) straight, she has consistently kept the level at its highest.I don't think there's a series I'm enjoying more right now than Poison Ivy. As soon as one of these magical covers appears while I'm doing the check-in... more »
Knight Terrors: Detective Comics #2 by Dan Watters - Review
My admiration for Dan Watters continues to grow. I like his very prosaic style, his penchant for mysticism and dark fantasy. He likes to use cryptic metaphor and symbolism, but it is by no means off-putting. Generally, there are two reflex variations when I read stories that don't open up to me, that... more »
Review - Spider-Man #11 by Dan Slott
In fact, in the last two Spider-Man issues, despite all the fun I continued to have, skepticism spread a bit. I was (and still am a bit) unsure if Spider-Boy is a good invention. First and foremost, I feel the same way Spider-Man does, the idea of him getting a sidekick may not be palatable to me. He... more »
Groot #4 by Dan Abnett - Review
A warm end to a lovely little series. In which the supporting characters were actually the main characters. And the protagonist steered. And looked cute.Which, again, is a good counterpart to Groot's usual performances. Because let's be honest, Groot is always the (more or less) secret star of every... more »
Ghost Rider/Wolverine - Weapons of Vengeance by Benjamin Percy
From the series "Crossovers I Always Knew I Needed". Of course, I was totally hyped when Marvel announced the Weapons of Vengeance, two of my favorite heroes doin' their thangs side by side.When Benjamin Percy was announced as a puppeteer, it was clear, this is gonna be awesome (yes, fanboy).Again, with... more »
Saga #65 by Brian K. Vaughan and Fiona Staples
Saga is probably the only comic where your lips can lose a "Cute!" during a massacre.Plus, it's certainly the only comic in which I lose an "I love it!" at least once before I turn the last page of an issue. Sincerely. Every time. Heartfelt.This time more than once. First time on the first page. "When I... more »
Knight Terrors #2 by Joshua Williamson
I hear some people complaining about the Knight Terrors because it doesn't seem to lead anywhere special, no big upheaval, no new world order, it just is. How good that I expected exactly that from this event. A kind of summer break without the summer slump. If you just need a break... more »
Knight Terrors: First Blood #1 by Joshua Williamson
Like probably many other DC subscribers, I've been debating with myself (a very frequent habit of mine) whether to read Knight Terrors, or to use the opportunity while the regular runs are being paused and take a break from my favorites to save money (or spend it elsewhere). But since I sit at the... more »
Sins of the Salton Sea #1 by Ed Brisson
Subscribing to this series was actually a no-brainer. Ed Brisson writing a story about a professional thief who decided to retire after a disastrous mishap. Even if it means living off the grid in a filthy trailer and washing plates and glasses in fourth-rate diners and bars to earn just enough for drinks and... more »