
Everything you need to know about the latest comic releases

Saga #66 by Brian K. Vaughan and Fiona Staples

Saga #66 by Brian K. Vaughan and Fiona Staples

Heiko Heiko 10/18/2023 10:07pm 2 minute read Comics

No one has mastered playing with readers' expectations like Brian K. Vaughan. Which he once again proves quite brilliantly with Saga #66, the last part of this arc and the last issue of the series in 2023.Actually, with every turn of the page, we get another "Well, now - now someone beloved's going to... more »

Harley Quinn #32 by Tini Howard and Sweeney Boo

Harley Quinn #32 by Tini Howard and Sweeney Boo

Heiko Heiko 10/09/2023 10:40pm 2 minute read Comics

Okay, please let's just not talk about Harley's Knight Terrors anymore. Let's just wrap it in a pink cloth of silence and devote ourselves to this wonderful piece of comics, the return to the ongoing daily grind with Harley Quinn #32.So Harley is now awake again. And back home. Which somehow is also... more »

Review - Predator vs. Wolverine #1 by Benjamin Percy

Review - Predator vs. Wolverine #1 by Benjamin Percy

Heiko Heiko 10/03/2023 11:13am 2 minute read Comics

There are crossovers where at their announcement alone the inner child high-fives the adult comic reader and whoops: Awesome!And sometimes two adult comic readers with inner children stand at the short box in the store when this issue arrives, flip through it and whoop: Awesome!And then one of those... more »

Poison Ivy #14 by G. Willow Wilson - Review

Poison Ivy #14 by G. Willow Wilson - Review

Heiko Heiko 09/25/2023 11:40pm 2 minute read Comics

No idea how G. Willow Wilson does it, but she does.For 14 issues (and 2 Knight Terrors) straight, she has consistently kept the level at its highest.I don't think there's a series I'm enjoying more right now than Poison Ivy. As soon as one of these magical covers appears while I'm doing the check-in... more »

Knight Terrors: Detective Comics #2 by Dan Watters - Review

Knight Terrors: Detective Comics #2 by Dan Watters - Review

Heiko Heiko 09/18/2023 9:29pm 2 minute read Comics

My admiration for Dan Watters continues to grow. I like his very prosaic style, his penchant for mysticism and dark fantasy. He likes to use cryptic metaphor and symbolism, but it is by no means off-putting. Generally, there are two reflex variations when I read stories that don't open up to me, that... more »

Review - Spider-Man #11 by Dan Slott

Review - Spider-Man #11 by Dan Slott

Heiko Heiko 09/11/2023 9:53pm 2 minute read Comics

In fact, in the last two Spider-Man issues, despite all the fun I continued to have, skepticism spread a bit. I was (and still am a bit) unsure if Spider-Boy is a good invention. First and foremost, I feel the same way Spider-Man does, the idea of him getting a sidekick may not be palatable to me. He... more »

Groot #4 by Dan Abnett - Review

Groot #4 by Dan Abnett - Review

Heiko Heiko 09/04/2023 8:49pm 2 minute read Comics

A warm end to a lovely little series. In which the supporting characters were actually the main characters. And the protagonist steered. And looked cute.Which, again, is a good counterpart to Groot's usual performances. Because let's be honest, Groot is always the (more or less) secret star of every... more »

Ghost Rider/Wolverine - Weapons of Vengeance by Benjamin Percy

Ghost Rider/Wolverine - Weapons of Vengeance by Benjamin Percy

Heiko Heiko 08/28/2023 9:29pm 2 minute read Comics

From the series "Crossovers I Always Knew I Needed". Of course, I was totally hyped when Marvel announced the Weapons of Vengeance, two of my favorite heroes doin' their thangs side by side.When Benjamin Percy was announced as a puppeteer, it was clear, this is gonna be awesome (yes, fanboy).Again, with... more »

Saga #65 by Brian K. Vaughan and Fiona Staples

Saga #65 by Brian K. Vaughan and Fiona Staples

Heiko Heiko 08/21/2023 8:57pm 1 minute read Comics

Saga is probably the only comic where your lips can lose a "Cute!" during a massacre.Plus, it's certainly the only comic in which I lose an "I love it!" at least once before I turn the last page of an issue. Sincerely. Every time. Heartfelt.This time more than once. First time on the first page. "When I... more »

Knight Terrors #2 by Joshua Williamson

Knight Terrors #2 by Joshua Williamson

Heiko Heiko 08/14/2023 10:01pm 2 minute read Comics

I hear some people complaining about the Knight Terrors because it doesn't seem to lead anywhere special, no big upheaval, no new world order, it just is. How good that I expected exactly that from this event. A kind of summer break without the summer slump. If you just need a break... more »